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Breaking the Rules

We have a few rules here at Restoration Momma. Mostly, they involve safety in the workshop and not buying things to keep for ourselves....

Preventing Trend Fatigue

I'm looking forward to sharing some pieces in the workshop later this week, which led to some person reflection. I find it interesting...

Vintage items bring comfort.

I have a few pieces in my personal collection of vintage items that have been with me for a long time. I've picked them up along the way...

Online Auctions

I recently started learning about online only auctions because of the Safer at Home guidelines due to COVID-19. It's a lot of fun and...

21st Century Refresh

This chair was found at a local thrift store and sat in my barn for a couple of years before I figured out what kind of refresh to do. Full


Last year, despite my best efforts, I ended up with a couple of ducklings while picking up chicks to replenish our egg laying ladies. I was

Champagne Lamp

When I looked at this floor lamp, I saw potential. Sure, it was kid-friendly but I was looking to refresh it into something different. So, I

Inspired Projects: Blog2
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